How To Use The Tongue For Disease Diagnosis

Do Health Share | Don't you think that patience is capable of recording the body's health, because the tongue is a member of the body that are associated with the function diglotishn, taste, and speeches. This function causes the tongue is able to display the quality of water in the body where the tongue is one of the devices that are able to provide information to one's health. You can even describe the tongue as a mirror against the digestive system, any abnormal function of the stomach and intestines.

How To Use The Tongue For Disease Diagnosis

Some distinctive changes occur on the tongue in a few specific diseases. This is why an examination of the tongue is very important and will give some clue as to the diagnosis. All the doctors examining the tongue and consider the change in size, shape, color, and moisture, paint, nature of stalactites and movement etc.

Appearance of the tongue in some abnormal conditions:.

1. Tongue Movement :

  • In one side of the tongue body paralysis (hemiplegia) move towards bariliced side at mingangong.
  • Trimolos movement of the tongue seen in diseases such as delirium tremens, thyrotoxicosis, webarkinsonisom. The earthquake is also in neurological patients.
  • paralysis associated with yg progressive swelling there will be waste and paralysis of the tongue with jitter. Eventually the tongue gets shriveled and works on the floor of the mouth. This condition is associated with shuffle of saliva and loss of speech.
  • Chorea (involuntary rhythmic movements) the patient is unable to maintain the language of occurrences in the rest, will move involuntarily.

2. Moisture Tongue:

Moisture tongue gives an indication about the State of hydration for the body. Volume of water depletion cause peripheral circulatory failure is weakness, thirst, anxiety, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting and dry and Charybdis tongue. Dryness of the tongue seen in these circumstances.

  • Diarrhea
  • phase of severe illness
  • Jeremiah advanced
  • Shock hibovolomik
  • Thermal stress
  • Sick hibonatrimi Genesis
  • Acute bowel obstruction
  • Starvation
  • Brlongid fasting.

3. Tongue discoloration

  • Central cyanosis

The bluest blue mucous membrane can be due to reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood. This is in heart failure, respiratory failure and oxygen. In the language of the bluest, becoming bluish pale lips etc.

  • Jaundice:

It is a yellowish discoloration of the surface mucus every body (including the tongue) due to increased bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice in hepatitis, bile duct obstruction, increases the damage of red blood cells, etc.

  • Would advanced:.

This is an increase of urea and other waste products of nitrogen in the blood of kidney failure. Here the tongue to Brown.

  • Keto-acidosis

This acidosis with accumulation of ketone bodies are mainly in diabetes. Here the tongue of brown with a distinct smell of ketones from mouth.

  • Riboflavin deficiency:.

This vitamin (vitamin B2) miginta color generation tongue with pain and cleft lip.

  • Niacin deficiency:.

Lack of niacin (vitamin B3) and a few other complex vitamin results in red or a bright red fleshy tongue.

  • Anemia:.

This low percentage of hemoglobin in the blood. Severe anemia become pale tongue.

4. Layer on the tongue:

  • Bad breath

The main causes of bad breath is forming a layer of Bali (bio film) on the tongue it lodges thousands of anaerobic bacteria, which leads to the production of aovinsivi gas. People who complain about bad breath may be a thick layer on the back of the tongue.

  • Typhoid fever:-

Typhoid fever to card white tongue like feathers.

  • Candidiasis;-

This is a fungal infection affecting mucous surfaces of the body. Tongue lesion operations there will be white.

  • In diabetes wehibwadrinalism there will be a process of white lesions.

  • Secondary syphilis

Syphilis-sexually transmitted infections caused by Methicillin tribinoma sick. We can see in this painful disease secondary to mucous patch, soft shining white glistining plaques that can scrape away easily.

  • liokoblakia

Here you see white spots on the tongue kiratotik and oral cavity. This condition early.

  • AIDS:

In these patients it is Hairy Leukoplakia.

  • Peritonitis:

This is inflammation of the biritoniom (close the abdominal cavity also includes gut and keep them in position) in this case there are furs white tongue.

  • Acute illnesses:.

Fur is also in some acute diseases.

5. Papillitis

This is a small projection on Rong related to taste. There are different types of tongue bumps. In some diseases, there are some non-natural changes that follow.

  • Hairy tongue

This condition due to elongation sticking visible papillae on poor oral hygiene, and general weakness, and digestive disorders.

  • Geographic tongue:

Here is irregular, white spots appear on the tongue. These lesions appear as a geographical map. Akskakt unknown causes.

  • Broker rhomboideus sore tongue

In this case there was hidden in the rear of nodular areas tongue mid-red line. This congenital condition.

  • Malnutrition:

Nutrional deficiencies there is inflammation of the tongue (Glossitis) leads to inflated Halimi followed by muscular dystrophy.

  • Benign migratory Glossitis

It is a condition which desquamation inflamatory areas ring tongue papillae tongue which seems to be moving from one place to another within a few days.

  • Thiamine and Riboflavin:

This vitamin deficiency causes filiform papillae, vongivorm and modern.

  • Lack of niacin and iron:

In this case there is atrophy of the papillae. Smooth tongue is found in iron deficiency.

  • And vitamin c:

This leads to a padded tongue.

I am megaloblastic anemia) on tongue smooth.

  • Folic acid deficiency

And consider here megaloblastic anemia makrositik Glossitis.

  • Seno koblamini deficiencies:.

Here are makrositik megaloblastic anemia Glossitis with peripheral neuropathy.

  • Skarlatina fever;

Streptococcal infection in a bright red papillae attitude of thick, white fur coat and then disappeared leaving the enlarged papillae on the surface of the tongue is called red strawberry.

6. Sore on the tongue:

  • Aphthous ulcer:

This painful round of cuts appear in individual stress often. May be related to food allergies. The usual location of the tongue, lips and oral mucosa, etc.

  • Herpes Simplex

This burst produced lower acute Herpes Simplex. When these vesicles rupture of ulcers form.

  • Ulcer cancer:

Ulcer cancer passes rim avirtid with hard base. See also bleeding. Tongue cancer is common in chew tobacco.

D) where the ulcer:-

Where the horizontal incision direction. Primary genital syphilis in additional cuts seen on the tongue. Secondary syphilis in several shallow ulcers seen in the bottom of the roof and sides of the tongue. Can see tertiary syphilis can's got gum on the midline of the tongue dorsum.

  • Teeth sore:

These ulcers with a variety of sharp teeth.

That's How to see and diagnose the disease through the tongue, and if you're patient but can not see the above diagnosis disease, immediately consult a doctor expert.

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