The Reasons Why Your Muscles Get Sore

Do Health Share | As you get older, they start complaining more than muscles and joints. Looks like it's going to be tough with age, and such activities as usual bowing to a morning paper can make them WinCE.

The Reasons Why Your Muscles Get Sore

This pain he can handle so hard that they don't think they started in their bones. But the actual cause pain and stiffness in the joints or bones only, according to a study at Johns Hopkins Medical School, but in the muscles and connective tissues in the joints.

Friction resistance generated by rubbing two surfaces of bone joints is negligible, even in the joints due to arthritis.

Flexible medical term used to describe the range of motion of joints for full-motion in one direction of full motion to others. Greater range of motion, and joints more flexible.

If you bend at the hips and touch your finger to the tip of your finger, you have good elasticity, or range of hip motion. But you can easily bend with little energy and power? The energy required to bend the joints are no less important than the scope of possible movement.

Various factors limit their flexibility and mobility in the muscles and joints. At the elbows and knees, set the bone structure itself limits. Other joints, such as the ankles, hips, and back again, and soft tissues – muscles and connective tissue – limit the range of motion.

The problem does not lie in flexible joints and muscles become similar to hard to open and close the gate because it is rarely used, and rusty depending agus for you.

Therefore, if people don't move regularly on muscles and joints through their full range of motion, they lose some of their potential. And that's when people will try to move together after a long period of inactivity, they feel pain, further hampering

What happens after that is to become shortened muscles for a long period of neglect and generated spasms and convulsions which can be annoying and painful. Aimobilisasi has shown muscle, as researchers with laboratory animals, and changes in biochemical networks.

However, other factors polymyositis. The following are some of them:

1. A lot of exercise

You always think by saying, "no pain, no gain?" If you do, then, it's no surprise even if you have been experiencing muscle pain.

The problem with most people is that they exercise too many think this is faster and the surest way to lose weight. Until they are sick, they tend to ignore those muscles and connective tissues, though they literally what holds the body together.

2. Ageing and activity

Connective tissue connects muscle to bone, tendons, ligaments, and bone hook include unification with muscle sheath called fascia. With age, ligaments, tendons and fascia to be less expandable. Solid fiber tendons, eating, and harder to stretch. The easiest of the fascia. But if they do not stretch to improve joint mobility, fascia shorten, undue pressure on a nerve in the muscle fascia. A lot of aches and pains due to nerve impulses travel along the line is suppressed.

3. The inertia

Muscle aches or muscle pain can be terrible, because the reaction of the body spasms or pain. In this reaction, splinting and reactions, called the body automatically paralysis and muscle pain to make it contract. Thus, can set off a vicious muscle pain from the pain.

First, the muscles become unused exercise sore or held in an unusual position. Then the body responds to splint reflex, shortened connective tissue around the muscle. This causes more pain, and ultimately the entire region. One of the most common sites for this problem is the lower part of your back.

4. Strain theory

In Physiology Laboratory at the University of Southern California, identified some people to learn more about this course.

Using multiple devices, they measured the electrical activity in the muscle. Researchers know that regular muscle relaxation, good breed any muscle electrical activity, while activity appears not really comfortable.

In one experiment, the researchers measured the electrical signal of muscles with sports injuries, first with the muscles moving, and then, after the muscles have been stretched.

Muscle stretching exercises in almost every case, is to expand or collapse the electrical activity, pain relief, in whole or in part.

This experience led to spasms of theory, "an explanation of the development and continuation of muscle pain due to the lack of apparent reason, such as shock.

According to this theory, muscle work overload or use in a strange situation tired muscle and pain.

It is therefore very important to know the constraints and the ability of muscles to avoid muscle pain. This shows that there is no truth to say, "no pain, no gain." What matters most is how to contain the keep people to exercise on a regular basis in the normal range once rare but in a rigid routine.

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